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Development Control Board - Thursday 19 December 2024 7.00 pm
December 19, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting of the Development Control Board will include discussions on planning applications for the temporary change of use of land for bootfairs, for the change of use of land for keeping horses, for a rear extension to a house, and for the replacement of a conservatory and external materials on a house. The meeting will also receive a report on the decisions made by officers on planning applications under delegated powers.
It is important to note that this summary is based on the information made available to attendees in the meeting pack and that we do not know for certain what will be discussed or whether any decisions will be made at the meeting.
Foxhounds Lane Field Bootfair
Councillors will be asked to make a decision on an application for the temporary use of land for bootfairs at Foxhounds Lane Field, Southfleet. The application requests permission to hold 28 boot sales at the site on Sundays and Bank Holidays between 16 March 2025 and 28 September 2025. The sales would operate between 8am and 2pm.
Planning permission is not normally required to hold 14 bootfairs or fewer at a site each year because this type of use is covered by what is known as 'permitted development rights'. 1 The current application seeks permission for an additional 14 sales, which would bring the total number to 28.
The site is within the Metropolitan Green Belt, 2 where new buildings and other forms of development are generally inappropriate. Policy M12 of the Dartford Local Plan 3 states that “Changes of use of land must not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt and the purpose of including land within it than the existing use”.
The officer report on the application states that “The proposed temporary use of the site for bootfairs is considered to be inappropriate development in the Green Belt”. The report recommends refusal because “No very special circumstances have been found to exist to outweigh this harm and other harms including harm to the rural character and appearance of the area, poor accessibility for pedestrians and by public transport and harm to residential amenities.”
The report notes that at the previous meeting of the Development Control Board on 17 October 2024, Councillors resolved that they were minded to approve the application. Councillors felt that the social and economic benefits of the proposal outweighed the harm to the Green Belt and therefore that “Very Special Circumstances exist in this case”.
As such, the report recommends that if the Board is minded to approve the application, they should do so on the following grounds:
That significant positive weight is given to community benefits in the form of encouraging people to 'get outdoors', social benefits by enabling members of the community to meet up, families being able to buy pre-loved items at affordable prices and economic benefits to the local community from revenue generated. The combination of these benefits would outweigh the harm to the openness of the Green Belt which is limited by the temporary nature of the proposal and 'other harms' and therefore Very Special Circumstances exist in this case. The proposed development would therefore be in accordance with Policy M12 of the adopted Dartford Local Plan and the NPPF.
The report sets out a series of suggested conditions to be attached to the planning permission, including that the use of the site for bootfairs should only take place on Sundays and Bank Holidays between the 6th of March 2025 and the 28th of September 2025 with a maximum of 28 boot sales per year. The report also suggests that no buildings, hard standings, permanent fixtures or shelters should be erected in association with the use and that all articles and vehicles brought onto the site should be removed after each event.
The report includes a summary of the objections received from local residents and the Parish Council. It also summarises the comments from Kent County Council Highways, who advise that they do not consider the development would cause highway safety or amenity issues.
Land East Of Goss Hill, Hawley
The meeting will consider an application for the change of use of land for the keeping of horses at Land East Of Goss Hill, Hawley. The application also requests permission to erect a stable building and provide an area of hardstanding on the land.
The site is a 0.4 hectare triangular field bordered by hedgerows and trees. It lies within the Green Belt. A public right of way, Bridleway DR54, runs along its northern edge.
The officer report on the application states that keeping horses is considered to be an outdoor recreational activity that is acceptable in the Green Belt. It notes that policy allows for the provision of facilities in connection with a change of use, such as the proposed stable building.
The report concludes that the development would not harm the openness of the Green Belt, as it would only involve the construction of one modest building in the northern corner of the site. It states that:
Given the wider context which does include a number of equestrian uses, I do not consider that the building and associated hardstanding will be visually harmful to the openness of the Green Belt.
The report notes that local residents have objected to the application on the following grounds:
- poor access to the site, which would have safety implications for users of the Bridleway
- the site has never been used by horses
- Goss Hill is a narrow country lane that is often congested due to traffic
- the area is “over horsed” at present
- the site is not large enough to meet horse welfare requirements
The report notes that the applicant states that the horses will be grazed on other land nearby and that Kent County Council Highways raise no objection to the application. The report also notes that the Kent County Council Public Rights of Way Officer does not object.
The report concludes that:
I have reviewed the application in light of the relevant policies of the Dartford Local Plan to 2037 and the National Planning Policy Framework and have taken into account the comments from local residents and consultees. I consider that the proposal comprises 'appropriate' development in the Green Belt and that it would not be harmful to the character and appearance of the area, residential amenity, highway safety or amenity, or negatively impact upon the bridleway/PROW DR54. I consider that, this is a suitable site for a small equestrian use. I conclude that with the below recommended conditions, the impacts of the development will be acceptable in this location.
The report recommends granting planning permission for the development, subject to a number of conditions. These include a condition requiring details of any proposed external lighting to be submitted to the local planning authority for approval and a condition stating that the use and stable building should be for the private keeping of a maximum of two horses on the site at any one time and for no other purpose, including commercial livery use.
9 Worcester Close, Greenhithe
Councillors will be asked to decide on an application to erect a part two-storey/part single-storey rear extension at 9 Worcester Close, Greenhithe. The application was submitted by Mr Paul Savage.
The proposal would provide an extended dining and living area at ground floor level, and an additional fourth bedroom at first floor level. The family bathroom would be relocated to the rear of the property.
The report describes the property as a two-storey semi-detached dwelling. The western end of the rear garden of the property is within the Greenhithe Conservation Area.
The report notes that six letters of objection to the application have been received from local residents. Their concerns include:
- loss of daylight and outlook
- the proposal being out of character with the area, as no other property has a two-storey extension
- insufficient parking
- potential drainage and ground stability issues
- potential disturbance during construction
The report concludes that the proposal would comply with the Council’s policies on design and heritage, stating that:
I consider that this proposal would have minimal impact to the Greenhithe Conservation Area. The part of the site that is within the Conservation Area would be unaffected directly by the proposal. The rear extension would sit outside of the Conservation Area but would be within its setting as noted above. Due to the land level differences, vegetation and distance from the Conservation Area, as well as its modest scale, I consider that the proposed extension would preserve its setting.
The report states that while the extension would be visible from some vantage points in the street, it would be a “proportionate and subservient addition to no.9” and would not cause undue harm to the visual amenities of the area.
The report concludes that the proposal would not have an unacceptable impact on the amenities of the occupiers of the neighbouring properties, in part because the two neighbouring properties both have single storey rear extensions.
The report also states that the development is unlikely to cause parking problems.
The report recommends that planning permission is granted for the development, subject to conditions. These include a condition requiring the first floor bathroom window to be obscure glazed and a condition requiring that all external materials used in the construction of the extension must match the existing building.
11 Festival Avenue, Longfield
This item on the agenda concerns an application submitted by Mr Denman for the replacement of a conservatory and alterations to the external materials of 11 Festival Avenue, Longfield.
The application seeks permission to demolish an existing rear conservatory and erect a single storey rear extension in its place. The extension would be used as a dining and seating room.
The application also requests permission to replace the existing brown UPVC windows with “dark/black colour” windows and to clad the first floor of the property with dark/black composite cladding on three elevations.
The officer report describes the property as a two storey detached dwelling house in a residential area.
The report states that the proposed rear extension would not be visible from any public vantage points and that it would be of a similar scale to the existing conservatory. The report therefore concludes that:
I find the rear extension would not have a detrimental visual impact and would not be harmful to the character or appearance of the host dwelling or area.
The report notes that there is a precedent for the use of composite cladding on the adjacent property, 15 Festival Avenue. It concludes that the proposed cladding would respond well to the design of this property and that the replacement windows would have minimal visual impact.
The report finds that the development would not harm the residential amenity of the occupiers of the neighbouring properties. The report states that there would be no overlooking from the extension, as its windows would have similar views to the windows of the existing conservatory and these are screened by existing boundary treatment.
The report concludes that:
With consideration to the relevant planning policies and received consultation responses I consider that the proposed rear extension and alterations to external materials would not be harmful to the character and appearance of the existing dwelling or area. I also find that the proposed development would not be harmful to the residential amenity of neighbouring dwellings through overlooking, overshadowing or overbearing impacts. No highway harms have been identified.
The report recommends granting planning permission for the development subject to conditions. These include a condition requiring that the external materials used in the construction of the extension must be in accordance with those specified on the approved plans and application form.
Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers
Councillors will receive a report on the decisions taken by officers under delegated powers between 3 October 2024 and 2 December 2024. The report lists each application and the decision made, along with the name of the officer who made the decision.
The applications decided by officers include applications for:
- the erection of extensions to houses
- the change of use of buildings
- the felling of trees
- the installation of solar panels
The applications listed in the report were decided under powers delegated to officers by the Council's constitution. This means that the decisions do not need to be made by a committee of elected councillors. However, Councillors have the right to 'call-in' decisions made by officers if they disagree with them.
The report includes two lists of applications. The first covers the period 3 October 2024 to 5 November 2024 and the second covers the period 5 November 2024 to 2 December 2024.
A summary of the decisions made on each of the applications listed in the reports is provided below:
3 October 2024 to 5 November 2024
Application Number | Address | Proposal | Decision | Officer |
24/00800/TPO | 162 Birchwood Road, Wilmington, DA2 7HA | Application for reduction in height and lateral spread by approximately 2m to the vicinity of previous pruning points of two Sweet Chestnut trees in rear garden | Consent for TPO | Samantha Mitchell |
24/00822/CDNA | The Ship, Green Street Green Road, DA2 8DP | Submission of details relating to existing and proposed levels of land (condition 10) pursuant to planning permission DA/22/01144/FUL for partial redevelopment of site to include partial demolition of extensions, proposed single storey side extension, | Approval of Details for Conditions | Abigail Lavery |
24/00690/LDC | 103 Norfield Road, Wilmington, DA2 7NY | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed demolition of existing rear extension and conservatories and construction of a single storey rear extension. | Permission Required | Priya Ilangovan |
24/01035/NONMAT | Rahan House, 8 Birchwood Road, DA2 7HE | Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/24/00012/FUL for changes to glazing on front elevation | Approval of non-material amendments | Samantha Mitchell |
24/00856/FUL | Unit 14 Prospect Place & Part Of Car Park, DA1 1DY | Change of use of restaurant to mixed use comprising of restaurant and drive through take-away. External alterations including to car park for addition of order and collection lane, provision of collection window and other associated works and equipment. | Application Refused | Jas Bansil |
24/00902/TPO | 61 Lowfield Street, DA1 1JY | Application for T1 - London Plane - Crown lift to 6 metres (to raise the crown to a little over the statutory height over a public carriageway, and to ensure that the crown remains above that height for the next two to three cycles.), remove dead and diseased | Consent for TPO | Samantha Mitchell |
24/00964/CDNA | Former Builders Yard, Harmer Road, DA10 0AR | Submission of details relating to phase 2 contamination and remediation method statement (condition 5) pursuant to planning permission DA/23/00957/VCON | Approval of Details for Conditions | Steven Bell |
24/01018/CDNA | Former Builders Yard, Harmer Road, DA10 0AR | Submission of details relating to Pleistocene and Palaeolithic geoarchaeological evaluation (condition 4) pursuant to planning permission DA/23/00957/VCON | Approval of Details for Conditions | Steven Bell |
24/00963/PDE | Tudor Lodge, New Barn Road, DA3 7LT | Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension | Prior Approval Required and Refused | Abigail Lavery |
24/00914/FUL | The Maple, 67 Birchwood Road, DA2 7HQ | Provision of dormer in side roof slope of the main dwelling and garage conversion with front and rear dormers to provide habitable rooms in the roof spaces | Application Refused | Josiah Greenaway |
24/00927/LDC | 11 Hulsewood Close, DA2 7AD | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed use of the land for siting of a mobile home ancillary to main dwelling | Planning Permission not Required | Samantha Mitchell |
23/00840/LDC | Storefast Estate, Unit 10-11, DA13 9LJ | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate (existing) for the use of land and Unit 10/11 for general industrial purposes (Use Class B2) | LDC Refusal | Emma Eisinger |
24/00775/FUL | 1 Chartwell Lane, DA3 7AY | Erection of a single storey rear extension, with alteration to front entrance including extended canopy and provision of new vehicular crossing and driveway onto Chartwell Lane | Application Permitted | Samantha Mitchell |
24/00702/TPO | Ingress Park Avenue, Greenhithe | Application for continued maintenance/works to trees for a period of 3 years to the whole line of Street trees along Ingress Park Avenue with the works being; crown lift over paths and main road to highways specification to give a ground clearance of 5.4m | Consent for TPO | Steven Bell |
24/00931/FUL | 6 Chestnut Grove, DA2 7PG | Erection of a single storey side extension | Application Permitted | Abigail Lavery |
24/00524/FUL | 38 Bow Arrow Lane, DA2 6PA | Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension and outbuilding | Application Permitted | Onkar Kensrey |
24/00935/LDC | 37 Cavell Crescent, DA1 5NS | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed vehicle crossing onto Cavell Crescent and driveway | Planning Permission not Required | Josiah Greenaway |
24/00594/LDC | Storefast Estate, Unit 9, DA13 9LJ | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the existing use of land for storage and distribution (Use Class B8) | LDC Refusal | Emma Eisinger |
24/00597/LDC | Unit 14 Storefast Estate, DA13 9LJ | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the existing use of land as office (Use Class E) | LDC Refusal | Emma Eisinger |
24/00659/FUL | 83 Hillhouse Road, DA2 6EX | Erection of a two bedroom dwelling and associated parking and facilities and bike storage shed | Application Permitted | Abigail Lavery |
24/00989/PDE | 28 Carrington Road, DA1 1XW | Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension | Prior Approval Required and Refused | Onkar Kensrey |
24/00546/FUL | Central Park Market Street, DA1 1JP | Provision of a new footbridge to be installed to cross the River Darent accompanied with fencing for security, small pathway connection and a CCTV security mast. | Application Permitted | Jas Bansil |
5 November 2024 to 2 December 2024
Application Number | Address | Proposal | Decision | Officer |
24/00950/LDC | 14 Alfred Road, Hawley, DA2 7SQ | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed demolition of existing rear extension and conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension and new window on front elevation | Permission Required | Abigail Lavery |
24/01060/FUL | 36 Caspian Way, Swanscombe, DA10 0LE | Erection of a first floor front extension | Application Permitted | Onkar Kensrey |
24/01062/FUL | 36 Heathclose Road, Dartford, DA1 2PU | Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of a part two storey/part single storey rear/side extension with extended canopy, erection of front porch | Application Permitted | Josiah Greenaway |
24/01138/TPO | 23 Fawkham Avenue, Longfield, DA3 7HS | Application for T1. Lawson Cypress - Fell and T2. Lawson Cypress - Fell subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1991 | Consent for TPO | Samantha Mitchell |
24/00972/FUL | 98 Gore Road, Darenth, DA2 6LY | Re-location of main entrance door to the front elevation of the property and reinstalled the window in the side elevation (retrospective application) | Application Permitted | Josiah Greenaway |
24/01027/CDNA | Dale Villa, Dale Road, Southfleet, DA13 9NX | Submission of details relating to external materials pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/23/01436/FUL (granted on appeal) for erection of a single storey side extension | Approval of Details for Conditions | Samantha Mitchell |
24/00749/ADV | Unit 14 Prospect Place, Dartford, DA1 1DY | Display of four internally illuminated fascia signs, one internally-illuminated poppy sign and three non-illuminated decorative graphic signs | Refusal of Advert | Samantha Mitchell |
24/01070/TPO | 19 Watermans Way, Greenhithe, DA9 9GJ | Application for 2 No. Sycamore trees reduce lower than the 3rd floor gutter and back form the house as per annotated photo subject to Tree Preservation Order No.11 1990 | TPO - Lesser Works Consent | Onkar Kensrey |
24/00392/FUL | 2 Priory Gardens, Dartford, DA1 2BE | Sub-division of existing dwelling and plot to create 2no dwellings each with separate garden areas | Application Refused | Onkar Kensrey |
24/00280/FUL | Sutton At Hone Lakes, Gravel Road, DA4 9HQ | Erection of a single storey clubhouse | Application Permitted | Abigail Lavery |
24/00949/LDC | 50 Warren Road, Wilmington, DA1 1PL | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed erection of a single storey rear extension, alterations to roof from hip to gable for provision of dormer window in rear elevation, roof lights in front | Permission Required | Onkar Kensrey |
24/01016/FUL | 9 Birch Close, Longfield, DA3 7LH | Demolition of existing garage and erection of a single storey side extension | Application Permitted | Josiah Greenaway |
24/01007/FUL | The Brookfield Centre, Bow Arrow Lane, DA2 6PB | Replace existing 2.4m high timber fence and gate, including trellis, with new 3m high Britplas Fortress 80 powder coated steel security fencing and gate with solid aluminium cloaking panels, to perimeter of Centre | Application Permitted | Jim Wilson |
24/01021/CDNA | Land Rear Of 2 Warren Road, Wilmington | Submission of details relating to existing and proposed levels pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/18/01118/FUL for demolition of existing 5 No. garages and erection of 1 No. 2 bedroom | Application refused | Andy Jeffers |
24/00866/LDC | 30 The Brent, Dartford, DA1 1YN | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed use as a HMO for up to 7 persons | Planning Permission not Required | Abigail Lavery |
24/01039/CDNA | Land Rear Of 2 Warren Road, Wilmington | Submission of details relating to scheme of control of noise, vibration and dust pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission DA/18/01118/FUL for demolition of existing 5 No. garages and erection of 1 No. | Application refused | Andy Jeffers |
24/01040/CDNA | Land Rear Of 2 Warren Road, Wilmington | Submission of details relating to external materials pursuant to condition 6 of planning permission DA/18/01118/FUL for demolition of existing 5 No. garages and erection of 1 No. 2 bedroom | Application refused | Andy Jeffers |
24/01041/CDNA | Land Rear Of 2 Warren Road, Wilmington | Submission of details relating to landscaping pursuant to condition 7 of planning permission DA/18/01118/FUL for demolition of existing 5 No. garages and erection of 1 No. 2 bedroom | Application refused | Andy Jeffers |
24/01042/CDNA | Land Rear Of 2 Warren Road, Wilmington | Submission of details relating to construction management plan pursuant to condition 8 of planning permission DA/18/01118/FUL for demolition of existing 5 No. garages and erection of 1 No. 2 bedroom | Application refused | Andy Jeffers |
24/00795/FUL | 57 Birchwood Road, Wilmington, DA2 7HF | Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of new dwelling including bike store and outbuilding with alterations to rear ground levels (retrospective application) | Application Permitted | Samantha Mitchell |
24/01058/NONMAT | Phase 2 Stone Pit 2, London Road, Stone | Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/22/01184/REM in respect of elevational changes | Approval of non-material amendments | Emma Eisinger |
24/01059/NONMAT | Phase 3 Stone Pit 2, London Road, Stone | Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/22/01250/REM in respect of elevational changes | Approval of non-material amendments | Emma Eisinger |
24/01009/FUL | 47 Mill Road, Hawley, DA2 7RY | Erection of granny annex in rear garden | Application refused | Josiah Greenaway |
24/01057/NONMAT | Phase 1 Stone Pit 2, London Road, Stone | Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/22/01183/REM in respect of elevational changes | Approval of non-material amendments | Emma Eisinger |
24/01144/PDE | 143 Ashen Drive, Dartford, DA1 3LY | Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of | Prior Approval Required and Refused | Onkar Kensrey |
24/01031/FUL | 47 North Road, Dartford, DA1 3ND | Installation of a heat pump in the rear garden | Application Permitted | Onkar Kensrey |
24/01088/FUL | Selwyn, Hawley Road, Hawley, DA1 1PU | Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey front extension | Application Permitted | Onkar Kensrey |
24/00965/FUL | 97 Havelock Road, DA1 3HZ | Excavation of front garden for provision of parking space and dropped kerb | Application Permitted | Josiah Greenaway |
24/00929/FUL | 108 Swaisland Road, Dartford, DA1 3DE | Erection of a single storey rear extension | Application Permitted | Josiah Greenaway |
24/01095/FUL | 124 Birchwood Road, Wilmington, DA2 7HG | Erection of a single storey rear extension and alterations to decking steps. New rear window | Application Permitted | Josiah Greenaway |
24/00876/FUL | 14 East Hill, Dartford, DA1 1RY | Essential repairs to parapet walls, section of wall where bellowed, repair and replacement of asphalt roof covering and rebuilding of chimney | Application Permitted | Jas Bansil |
24/00877/LBC | 14 East Hill, Dartford, DA1 1RY | Listed building consent for essential repairs to parapet walls, section of wall where bellowed, repair and replacement of asphalt roof covering and rebuilding of chimney | Consent for LB | Jas Bansil |
24/01099/FUL | 10 Cowley Avenue, Stone, DA9 9PJ | Conversion of existing attached garage to habitable room with associated alteration to elevations | Application Permitted | Onkar Kensrey |
24/01100/FUL | 1 Richmond Lane, Dartford, DA1 5UG | Erection of single storey rear extension | Application Permitted | Josiah Greenaway |
24/00951/FUL | 7 Kingswood Close, Dartford, DA1 3AD | Erection of a first floor rear extension | Application Permitted | Onkar Kensrey |
24/01086/LDC | 1-5 Market Place & 1 Market Street, DA1 1EX | Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness (existing) to confirm implementation of development permitted by planning permission 23/00207/VCON in accordance with the time-limit condition (Condition 1) | Certificate Granted | Jas Bansil |
24/00967/FUL | 5 Kingswood Close, Dartford, DA1 3AD | Erection of a single-storey rear extension and first floor rear extension | Application Permitted | Onkar Kensrey |
24/00514/LDC | Land Opposite Malt House Farm, DA2 8DX | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed use of the land and a building for B8 storage purposes pursuant to planning permission DA/80/0520 as granted on 6th January1982 | Permission Required | Emma Eisinger |
24/01121/CDNA | 5 Oakfield Lane, Dartford, DA1 2SN | Submission of details relating to external materials (condition 3) and hard and soft landscaping (condition 4) pursuant to planning permission DA/23/00326/FUL for erection of an attached 2 storey, 2 bedroom dwelling | Approval of details (or revised details) | Onkar Kensrey |
24/01017/CDNA | Former Builders Yard, Harmer Road, DA10 0AR | Submission of details relating to external materials (bricks only, condition 6) pursuant to planning permission DA/23/00957/VCON | Approval of Details for Conditions | Steven Bell |
24/01066/FUL | 56 Birchwood Road, Wilmington, DA2 7HE | Erection of a part two/part first floor/part single storey front and rear extensions, external alterations, new solar panels, alterations to garage (blocking up the existing vehicle door and create a new vehicle | Application Permitted | Onkar Kensrey |
24/01134/LDC | 55 Morgan Drive, Horns Cross, DA9 9DU | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed rear dormer window and roof lights in front roof slope in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space | Planning Permission not Required | Josiah Greenaway |
24/01194/PDE | 57 Priory Road, Dartford, DA1 2BS | Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of | Prior Approval Not Required | Josiah Greenaway |
24/01186/PDE | 129 Kirby Road, Dartford, DA2 6HD | Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of | Prior Approval Not Required | Josiah Greenaway |
24/01118/FUL | 6 High Road, Wilmington, DA2 7EG | Erection of a single storey rear extension | Application Permitted | Josiah Greenaway |
24/01265/CDNA | Livingstone Hospital, East Hill, DA1 1SA | Submission of details relating to contamination strategy pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission DA/24/00804/FUL for erection of a new medical building, and ancillary fuel tank, back up generator and | Approval of Details for Conditions | Steven Bell |
24/01122/LDC | 62 Tredegar Road, Wilmington, DA2 7AZ | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed loft conversion incorporating a rear dormer and three rooflights to front roof slope in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space | Planning Permission not Required | Josiah Greenaway |
24/01272/OBB | Star Lane Caravan Site, Orpington | Consultation on an application for request for screening opinion for caravan pitches | No Observations | Abigail Lavery |
24/01189/PDE | Tudor Lodge, New Barn Road, |
Permitted development rights allow certain types of building work and changes of use to be carried out without the need for planning permission. ↩
The Metropolitan Green Belt is a protected area of land around London and other major cities in England that is intended to prevent urban sprawl and protect the countryside. ↩
The Dartford Local Plan is the statutory planning document that sets out the planning policies for Dartford Borough Council. ↩
- Alina Gaskin
- Attendee: Avtar Sandhu MBE
- Attendee: Brian Garden
- Attendee: Clement Quaqumey
- Attendee: Danny Nicklen
- Attendee: Darren Povey
- Attendee: David A Hammock
- Attendee: Denzil J Reynolds
- Attendee: Marilyn I Peters
- Attendee: Matthew Davis
- Attendee: Matthew Davis
- Attendee: Michael Brown
- Attendee: Michael Brown
- Attendee: P W Whapshott
- Attendee: Paul Denman
- Attendee: Steve Brown
- Attendee: Victoria Akintomide-Akinwamide
- Claire Pearce
- John Burrell
- Roger S L Perfitt
- Attendee: Communications
- Delegated Report 03.10.24-05.11.24 other
- Delegated Report 05.11.2024-02.12.2024 other
- Public reports pack Thursday 19-Dec-2024 19.00 Development Control Board reports pack
- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 19-Dec-2024 19.00 Development Control Board agenda
- Final DC Board Minutes 17 October 2024 other
- 2400130FUL other
- 2400573COU
- 2400961FUL
- 2401176FUL other
- Update 19th December 2024 DCB other
- Update Thursday 19-Dec-2024 19.00 Development Control Board other