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Scrutiny of the Administration's Budget Proposals - Wednesday, 15th January, 2025 5.30 p.m.
January 15, 2025 View on council website
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- Adrian Clifford
- Alex DeWinter
- Ande Savage
- Antony Moseley
- Becca Lunn
- Ben Taylor
- Bev Welsh
- Bob Waterton
- Cheryl Cashmore
- Dillan Shikotra
- Hannah Gill
- Helen Gambardella
- Jane Wolfe
- Janet Forey
- Lee Breckon JP
- Les Phillimore
- Luke Cousin
- Maggie Wright
- Mark Jackson
- Matt Tomeo
- Mike Shirley
- Neil Wright
- Nick Brown
- Nick Chapman
- Nigel Grundy
- Paul Hartshorn
- Richard Holdridge
- Roger Stead
- Roy Denney
- Royston Bayliss
- Shabbir Aslam
- Stuart Coar
- Susan Findlay
- Terry Richardson
- Tony Deakin
- Tracey Shepherd
- Jonathan Hodge
- Julia Smith
- Katie Brooman
- Lisa Boland
- Marc Greenwood
- Nicole Cramp
- Sandeep Tiensa
- Sarah Pennelli
- Agenda frontsheet 15th-Jan-2025 17.30 Scrutiny of the Administrations Budget Proposals other
- Public reports pack 15th-Jan-2025 17.30 Scrutiny of the Administrations Budget Proposals other
- Budget Context Setting and Overview
- Supplementary Appendices and Draft Portfolio Budget Proposals 15th-Jan-2025 17.30 Scrutiny of the other
- Appendix A
- Appendix B - Reserves 24-25 and 2025-26 other
- Appendix C - Schedule of External Funding WIP
- Appendix D - Establishment Trend Information
- Appendix E - MTFS
- Appendix F Budget Scrutiny - Leader
- Appendix G Budget Scrutiny - Finance People Performance
- Appendix H Budget Scrutiny - Health Leisure Climate and Economic Development
- Appendix I Budget Scrutiny - Neighbourhood Services Assets
- Appendix J Budget Scrutiny - Housing Community Safety Environmental Services
- Appendix K Budget Scrutiny - Planning Transformation and ICT
- Appendix L - 5 Year Capital Programme