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East Area Committee - Tuesday 21st January, 2025 7.00 pm

January 21, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The committee rejected two applications for funding from the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL), and approved one. They also agreed to allocate the remainder of the committee's NCIL budget to a project to enhance the playground at New Southgate Recreation Ground.

Pardes House CCTV

The committee rejected an application from Councillor Jennifer Grocock for £35,000 of NCIL funding to be awarded to Pardes House Primary School for the installation of CCTV cameras inside and outside the school.

Rabbi Joel Sacks, the school's headteacher, made the case for the funding. He highlighted the size of the school, with over 350 pupils, and said that CCTV would be an important safeguarding measure. He argued that the footage would not be used to intrusively monitor classrooms, but would be available to support investigations of any allegations made.

The idea is not that I sit in my office, eating popcorn and drinking coffee and watching the screens about what's going on in all the classrooms. It's not that at all. The idea is to have the CCTV in the classrooms, and then as and when there is a need for it to be reviewed, to be looked at, in the event of a complaint or an allegation, that we can then go to the recordings of that.

Councillor Grocock pointed out that the application had been checked and approved under the new legal eligibility criteria that the council adopted in July 2024, and argued that other, similar projects had been funded in the past.

However, officers stated that the application did not meet the legal requirements for NCIL funding. Mike Jones, a legal representative from the council, explained that: order for payment to qualify under the sill regulations, there must be an improvement, replacement, operation of infrastructure in order to support the development of the authorities area.

Mr Jones went on to argue that CCTV cameras did not fall under the definition of infrastructure, and that the application did not clearly relate to new development in the area.

Hayes Crescent pavement renewal

The committee also rejected an application from Councillor Dean Cohen for £138,767.48 of NCIL funding to be allocated to resurface the pavements on Hayes Crescent.

Councillor Cohen argued that the existing pavements were in need of resurfacing, and that doing so would benefit both residents and the local shopping area. However, officers advised that the council already had a capital programme in place for road and pavement resurfacing projects, and that allocating funding to this project would be out of step with that programme.

Community Food Growing Network

Councillor Pauline Coakley-Webb brought forward an application for £6,436.00 of NCIL funding to be awarded to the Community Food Growing Network, a project to create and support community gardens at four sites across the borough.

The committee heard from Cat Carr, a strategist in the council's public health team, who explained that the funding would support a new cohort of food growing leaders, provide materials for gardens, and help to deliver workshops and events at the sites.

The committee agreed to award the funding.

New Southgate Recreation Ground Playground

Finally, the committee considered an application from Councillor Paul Lemon for £129,901.77 of NCIL funding for the creation of a new, inclusive playground at New Southgate Recreation Ground.

Councillor Lemon, in a report presented on his behalf by Councillor Alison Moore, stated that:

The majority of the existing playground equipment is nearing the end of its life and will need to be replaced soon. With the addition of funding from the area committee the green spaces team will then be able to deliver a more inclusive playground including a sloped access climbing frame based on learnings from the Fair Play Barnet playground.

Councillor Lemon also noted that the Greenspaces Team had committed £100,000 from its own capital programme to match-fund the project, but that this was not enough to deliver the full proposal.

As the application requested the remaining balance of the committee's NCIL budget for 2024/25, the committee agreed that it was not possible to consider awarding funding to other projects, and approved the application.