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Licensing Sub-Committee C - Tuesday, 21st January, 2025 10.30 am
January 28, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
The meeting was scheduled to consider two applications for Temporary Events Notices for The Calabash Restaurant & Bar on Stockwell Street. Councillors were also scheduled to note a list of councillor memberships on outside bodies, and for members to orally declare any personal or financial interests in the items on the agenda.
The Calabash Restaurant & Bar, 1-2 Stockwell Street, London, SE10 9JN
The Sub-Committee was scheduled to consider an Objection Notice given by the Royal Borough of Greenwich Environmental Health Service (Community Protection Team) relating to two Temporary Event Notices (TENs) submitted by Mr Bankole Jones. Mr Jones is one of the directors of Calabash Logistics Limited, the premises licence holder, and is also the Designated Premises Supervisor.
The TENs sought to authorise the sale of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment, and provision of late night refreshment at The Calabash Restaurant & Bar for two events in February 2025. The first event was described as a “Ladies Night”, and the second event was described as “Dances and refreshment with recorded music and dance until 2am”.
The Community Protection Team's objections, submitted on 9 January 2025 and 15 January 2025, related to the licensing objective for the prevention of public nuisance.
My objection is on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance due to ongoing issues of noise nuisance at the premises.
- Nick Dornan, Community Protection Officer, Royal Borough of Greenwich Environmental Health Service (Community Protection Team) 1
The objections refer specifically to incidents of noise that are said to have taken place on Sunday 3 November 2024, Friday 6 December 2024, Sunday 8 December 2024, and Saturday 21 December 2024. According to the objection notice, the noise was loud enough to meet the threshold to be a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
The report notes that Mr Jones had already had a TEN for an event on 6 December 2024 quashed because of an objection from the Community Protection Team. It also notes that Mr Jones did not attend a meeting scheduled for 17 December 2024 at which the Sub-Committee considered objections from the Community Protection Team to three further TENs that he had applied for. It is noted in the report that Mr Jones later claimed not to have received an invitation to this meeting.
Declarations of Interests
Councillors were scheduled to note the list of councillors’ memberships on outside bodies. They were also asked to orally declare any personal or financial interests in items on the agenda as they relate to matters under discussion. The report pack reminds councillors that
A Member has a personal interest where any business is likely to affect:
(a) them, or (b) a relevant person or a relevant body (where the Member is aware that they have the interest); more than a majority of those in the ward you represent.
A relevant person is defined as the member’s spouse or civil partner, a person who they are living with as husband and wife or as civil partners, or a person with whom they have a close association.
A relevant body is defined as (a) any organisation, school governing body or outside committee or trust which they have been appointed to by the Royal Borough or by the Leader, or (b) any other voluntary organisation, school governing body or commercial organisation where you are a management committee member, school governor, trustee or director.
The document also includes a list of outside bodies to which councillors have been appointed.
An objection notice made by a responsible authority like the Environmental Health Service can prevent an event from going ahead. You can read the full objection notice in Appendix B - RBG CPT Objection Notice dated 09 15 Jan 2025. ↩
- Dave Sullivan
- David Gardner
- Nas Asghar
- Matthew Attoh
- Information Pack
- Declarations of Interest other
- Decisions 21st-Jan-2025 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee C other
- Agenda frontsheet 21st-Jan-2025 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee C agenda
- Public reports pack 21st-Jan-2025 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee C reports pack
- Outside Body Membership 2024-25 Cllrs
- The Calabash Restaurant Bar 1-2 Stockwell Street London SE10 9JN other
- Appendix A 1 of 2 - TEN AN21223 for event on 28 Feb 2025 other
- Appendix A 2 of 2 - TEN AN21256 for event on 15 Feb 2025 other
- Appendix B - RBG CPT Objection Notice dated 09 15 Jan 2025 other
- Appendix C - Map of Area
- Appendix D - Decision Notice Premises Licence dated 14 Dec 2023 other