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AI Generated
We do not yet summarise meetings from this council. If you would like us to do so, please subscribe or get in contact at
- Council Dwelling and Garage Rents 2025-26 FINAL JA
- Public reports pack 20th-Jan-2025 18.00 Executive reports pack
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- Agenda frontsheet 20th-Jan-2025 18.00 Executive agenda
- Exec Report Charterholme 200125 Part A Final Version clean other
- Collection Fund Surpluses -NNDR 25-26 20.01.25 other
- PSC Minute Referral Portfolio Under Scrutiny - Quality Housing
- PSC Minute extract for Exec
- Exclusion of Press Public
- Draft MTFS - Executive 20.1.25 other
- Draft Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-2030 Marked To Follow on Agenda 20th-Jan-2025 18.00 E other
- Appendix A - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-2030 DRAFT
- Draft Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-2030 Marked To Follow on Agenda 20th-Jan-2025 18.00 E other
- Appendix A - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-2030 DRAFT
- Corporate 25-26 other
- Environment 25-26 other
- Housing 25-26 other
- Printed minutes 20th-Jan-2025 18.00 Executive minutes