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This meeting's agenda consists of the minutes of the previous meeting and a licensing application for Sip City Lounge on Deptford High Street. The application from Sip City Limited is for the sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, the provision of late night refreshment, and the provision of regulated entertainment.
Sip City Lounge Licence Application
Sip City Limited have applied for a new premises licence for Sip City Lounge, at 189 Deptford High Street SE8 3NT. The applicant's agent is James Hoffelner of Complete Licensing Limited. The application is for:
- Sale of Alcohol for consumption on & off the premises
- 11:00 – 00:00 Sunday – Wednesday
- 11:00 – 01:00 Thursday – Saturday
- Late Night Refreshment
- 23:00 – 00:00 Sunday – Wednesday
- 23:00 – 01:00 Thursday – Saturday
- Regulated Entertainment - Recorded Music/Films/anything of a similar description to Live Music, Recorded Music or Performances of dance
- 11:00 – 00:00 Sunday – Wednesday
- 11:00 – 01:00 Thursday – Saturday
- Seasonal Variation - Applicable to all activities applied for
- On New Years Eve to be extended to 3 am New Years Day.
- On any Sunday where the Monday is a bank holiday the hours are extended to 1 am on the Monday Morning.
The applicant has proposed that the Designated Premises Supervisor should be Oreoluwa Temitope Sobers-Onipede.
Ten representations from members of the public have been received, consisting of four in support of and six objections to the application. Some of the objections related to parking, planning permission and other matters that are not the responsibility of the licensing committee.
The meeting report pack contains copies of the licence application, letters from members of the public, and a letter from the applicant's agent inviting objectors to discuss their concerns. It also contains the applicant's proposed licensing conditions, should the application be granted.
After having regard to the representation heard, Members must take such steps as they consider appropriate to promote the Licensing Objectives. The steps available to the Licensing Authority:
- Grant the application as applied for
- Grant the application subject to conditions modified to such extent as the authority considers appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives.
- Refuse to specify a person in the licence as the designated premises supervisor
- Refuse to grant the application.
The report reminds Councillors of the four licensing objectives that they must consider when deciding the application:
- Protection of Children from Harm
- Prevention of Crime and Disorder
- Prevention of Public Nuisance
- Public Safety
It also informs them that:
Either party has a right of appeal to the Magistrates Court against a decision which should be submitted to the court within 21 days of the date of the decision letter.
The report pack also contains the following documents: Public reports pack 28th-Jan-2025 19.00 Licensing Committee, Declarations of interest, application redacted, Plans, agreed conditions, documents from supporters and objectors, Agenda frontsheet 28th-Jan-2025 19.00 Licensing Committee, Minutes
- Bill Brown
- Billy Harding
- Coral Howard
- David Walker
- Dawn Atkinson
- Eva Kestner
- Mark Jackson
- Natasha Burgess
- Rachel Onikosi
- Yemisi Anifowose
- Andrew Atkinson
- Clare Chown
- Clare Weaser
- David Curtis
- Jannet Hall
- Kennedy Obazee
- Richard Lockett
- Public reports pack 28th-Jan-2025 19.00 Licensing Committee reports pack
- Declarations of interest other
- Sip City Lounge 189 Deptford High Street SE8 3NT other
- application redacted
- Plans
- Agents letter to objectors
- agreed conditions
- documents from supporters and objectors
- Agenda frontsheet 28th-Jan-2025 19.00 Licensing Committee agenda
- Minutes other