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Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday 29th January, 2025 10.30 am

February 4, 2025 View on council website
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The Licensing Sub-Committee will be provided with a report on an application for a new premises licence for New Barnet Supermarket at 20-24 Station Road, Barnet EN5 1QW. The meeting will include a representation that was received in relation to the application.

New Premises Licence Application - New Barnet Supermarket

The sub-committee has been asked to consider an application for a new premises licence for New Barnet Supermarket at 20-24 Station Road. The applicant is Gulabbas Mohammed Zaheer, represented by their agent ADM Training, run by Arlene auf der Mauer. The application is for the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises from 07:00 to 23:00 every day, with the premises open to the public during the same hours. The licensing authority received a representation from a local resident, Mr Shaji Surendran, in respect of this application. The representation relates to the licensing objective of the prevention of crime and disorder. Mr Surendran states that:

the premise has fully displayed alcohol and selling to customers without a granted premise license in place. I visited the store and they have sold alcohol to myself without a license therefore I am an eye witness of this breach of law.

The Licensing Officer notes in their report that two Temporary Event Notices were issued to the premises, covering the period between 18 December 2024 and 1 January 2025, and that the sale of alcohol during this period was therefore lawful. Mr Surendran also expressed concern that:

There is already an off-licence store under the flat where I reside and there is no need for another store just close to each other to have a premise licence as this will cause the public to buy more alcohol. The area already has many people who are addicted to alcohol and giving another licence to the same street is not very safe for the public residing in the area and also for the wellbeing of the ones who are alcoholic.

The Licensing Officer notes in their report that:

Section 1.17 of the Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and Section 4.5 of Barnet Council’s Licensing Policy 2020, state that Licensing committees must consider each application under its own merits.

The Committee will also be provided with details of an agreement reached between the applicant and the Metropolitan Police regarding conditions that could be attached to a licence. The Licensing Officer notes that:

Whilst the Applicant and the Police have agreed conditions between themselves, the Sub-Committee is not bound to simply accept the same and can choose to accept or reject any and all of the proposed conditions or add or amend any proposed conditions in pursuance with the licensing objectives.