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- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 28-Jan-2025 19.00 Scrutiny Panel other
- Public reports pack Tuesday 28-Jan-2025 19.00 Scrutiny Panel other
- Item 4 - Coversheet Council Finance
- Item 4 - F S339 202425 Overall Financial Position Report - November 2024 other
- Item 4a - 08-1 - Appendix 1 - Savings Performance 2024-25 to 2026-27 other
- Item 4b - 08-2 - Appendix 2 - Cost of Living Support other
- Item 5b - LBH Section Part 3 Cross cutting scrutiny review on Net Zero - Comms and Engagement report
- Item 4c - 08-3 - Appendix 3 - Use of Reserves other
- Item 4d - 08-4 - Appendix 4 - Phase 2 Savings other
- Item 5c - Year 1 - Annual report on Council Climate Implementation Plan 2023 - 2026
- Item 5 - Coversheet Net Zero Update
- Item 5a - London Councils LBHackney_0125 other
- Item 5d - Summary of Annual Progress Report on Council Climate Implementation Plan 202 other
- Item 5e - LBH Council climate achievements 20232024
- Item 6 Coversheet Minutes other
- Minutes 07102024 Scrutiny Panel other
- Minutes 11112024 Scrutiny Panel other
- Item 7 - Coversheet SP Work Programme
- Item 7a - SP_Work_Programme_2024-2025
- Supplement Agenda Tuesday 28-Jan-2025 19.00 Scrutiny Panel agenda