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- Lesley McKay
- Lynne Bowen
- Michael Vincent
- Peter Le Marinel
- Rob Fail
- Roger Berry
- Simon Bridge
- Attendee: Clare James
- Attendee: Danielle Chadwick
- Attendee: Emma Cross
- Attendee: George Ratcliffe
- Attendee: Gill Moorhouse
- Attendee: Harry Grundy
- Attendee: Jack Tickle
- Attendee: Jane Warne
- Attendee: Joanne Billington
- Attendee: Joshua Potts
- Attendee: Laura White
- Attendee: Lynn Milnes
- Attendee: Marianne Hesketh
- Attendee: Marianne Unwin
- Attendee: Mark Billington
- Attendee: Rebecca Huddleston
- Attendee: Sarah Palmer
- Attendee: Sian Hedger
- Agenda frontsheet 12th-Feb-2025 18.00 Cabinet agenda
- Public reports pack 12th-Feb-2025 18.00 Cabinet reports pack
- Minutes Public Pack 08012025 Cabinet other
- Revenue and capital budget monitoring report 202425 - Quarter 3
- Appendix 2 MTFP Summary - Sian please update DONE
- Appendix 3 Budget Assumptions
- Appendix 1 Portfolio budget adjustments
- Appendix 2 Reserve balances
- Appendix 3 - Revenue budget variations
- Appendix 4 Capital programme scheme variations
- Treasury Management Policy Statement and Practices Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strate
- Appendix 1 Tax resolution
- Appendix 1 Treasury Management Policy Statement
- Appendix 2 Treasury Management Practices 202526
- Appendix 3 Treasury Management Strategy and Investment Strategy
- Appendix 4 Minimum Revenue Provision Policy
- Appendix 5 Capital Strategy 202526
- Appendix 5A Capital Programme Forward Plan
- 20241211 Revenue Budget Council Tax and Capital Programme 25 other
- Appendix 2 - MTFP cover
- Appendix 4 2526 AES other
- Planning Enforcement Policy
- Appendix 1 for Planning Enforcement Policy
- Appendix 2 for Consultation Statement
- Revenue Budget Council Tax and Capital Programme - updated Appendix 7 - Reserves and Balances State
- Printed minutes 12th-Feb-2025 18.00 Cabinet minutes