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- Andy Dingwall
- Andy Kendall
- Bill Revans
- Bob Filmer
- Brian Smedley
- Caroline Ellis
- Dave Mansell
- David Woan
- Dawn Denton
- Dawn Johnson
- Diogo Rodrigues
- Faye Purbrick
- Federica Smith-Roberts
- Fran Smith
- Frances Nicholson
- Graham Oakes
- Gwil Wren
- Heather Shearer
- Helen Kay
- Henry Hobhouse
- Jo Roundell Greene
- John Hunt
- Kathy Pearce
- Liz Leyshon
- Lucy Trimnell
- Mandy Chilcott
- Martin Wale
- Matthew Martin
- Mike Rigby
- Mike Stanton
- Peter Clayton
- Richard Wilkins
- Ros Wyke
- Sarah Wakefield
- Sue Osborne
- Suria Aujla
- Theo Butt Philip
- Val Keitch
- Maria Christofi
- Public Guidance Notes - Budget
- Agenda frontsheet 03rd-Mar-2025 10.00 Executive agenda
- Click here to join the online meeting
- Supplement 1 - agenda item 6 - Report of the S151 Officer 03rd-Mar-2025 10.00 Executive agenda
- Section 25 Report - Executive other
- Supplement 2 - agenda item 8 - Budget Council Tax MTFS 03rd-Mar-2025 10.00 Executive agenda
- Appendix A Statement of Robustness 2025-26
- Annex Ai 2025-26 EFS In Principle Agreement
- Annex Aii 2024-25 EFS In Principle Agreement
- Annex Bi Adult Services Housing Directorate Budget Assurance Statement
- Annex Bii Children Families Education Services Directorate Budget Assurance Statement
- Executive Parking Policy Changes March 2025 other
- Appendix 1 - Overnight Charging Locations
- Appendix 2 - Sunday Charging Locations other
- Appendix 3 - Current Free Car Park Locations
- Appendix 4 - On Street - Limited Waiting
- Equalities Impact Assessment Parking Structure Policy Changes 2025-26
- 1. Revenue and Capital Budget and Council Tax 202526 and MTFS 202526 - 202930
- Appendix A Statement of Robustness 2025-26
- Annex Ai 2025-26 EFS In Principle Agreement
- Annex Aii 2024-25 EFS In Principle Agreement
- Appendix B - i - New Savings
- Appendix B ii - Prior Year Savings
- 2025-26 HRA Budget Report Rev Cap MTFP and Bus Plan
- Appendix A - HRA Revenue Budget for 2025-26 and MTFP 2025-26 to 2029-30
- Appendix B - HRA 5-Year Capital Programme 2025-26 to 2029-30
- Appendix C - HRA 30-Year Business Plan 2025-26
- Public reports pack 03rd-Mar-2025 10.00 Executive reports pack
- Supplement 3 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting 03rd-Mar-2025 10.00 Executive other
- Supplement 4 - Item 6 - Supplement to Item 6 Appendix A Report of the S151 Officer S25 Statement other
- Supplement 5 - Item 8 - Supplement to Item 8 Appendix H Executive 3rd March 2025 03rd-Mar-2025 10.0
- Supplement 6 - Item 9 - Supplement to Item 9 Housing Revenue Account HRA Revenue Budget 2025-26 0
- Supplement 7 - Item 8 - UPDATED Appendix T - Non Treasury Investment Strategy 2025-26 03rd-Mar-2025
- Minutes from the Previous Meeting other
- Annexe A - Public Question Time Responses
- Supplement to Item 9 Housing Revenue Account HRA Revenue Budget 2025-26
- Supplement 1 - Item 6 - Report of the S151 Officer 03rd-Mar-2025 10.00 Executive
- Supplement 2 - Item 8 - Budget Council Tax MTFS 03rd-Mar-2025 10.00 Executive
- Supplement 8 - Item 7 - Parking Policies 202526 - Updated Equalities Impact Assessment 03rd-Mar-20 other
- Supplement 9 - Item 4 - Public Question Time submissions 03rd-Mar-2025 10.00 Executive
- Public Questions - 3.03.25 other
- UPDATED EIA Parking Structure Practisce Changes 2025-2026 - 26-02-2025 other
- Supplement 10 - Item 7 8 - Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources Feedback on Item 7 and Item other
- Decisions 03rd-Mar-2025 10.00 Executive other