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Farnham Board - Friday, 17 January 2025 10.00 am

January 24, 2025 View on council website
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The Farnham Board meeting on 17 January 2025 was scheduled to involve receiving an update on progress since the previous meeting, and discussion about planned improvements to the town centre and the A31 corridor through Farnham. A report pack prepared for the meeting1 suggested that the meeting would include the opportunity to review progress made on a number of recently completed projects including the installation of new 20mph speed limits in several areas of the town.

Farnham Town Centre Improvements

The Board was scheduled to receive an update on the planned improvements to Farnham town centre. The Board was expected to note that a phasing plan had been agreed with the contractor for the scheme, and that communication with local businesses had begun. The first phase of the works, consisting of the construction of a temporary compound for use by contractors, was scheduled to begin on site in January 2025, with the main construction works commencing in February 2025.

A31 Corridor Improvements

The meeting was also scheduled to include a progress update on the planned improvements to the A31 as it passes through Farnham. The most recent version of the Strategic Outline Business Case for the scheme was submitted to the Department for Transport in 2021, with the next stage of the process being the development of a full Outline Business Case. However, the report pack prepared for the meeting notes that due to the recent change in Government, there is increased number of changes to governmental policy which may affect the business case(s) and scheme viability due to changes in political priority. As a result, it was noted that an update to the scheme's programme was required.

Borelli/Riverside Cycle Improvement Scheme

The meeting was also scheduled to include an update on the proposed cycle route improvements to the Borelli area of Farnham. The scheme is the first part of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan to be taken forward in Farnham, and would see the construction of an off-road cycle path between the A31 and the town centre. The report pack prepared for the meeting noted that construction of the scheme was scheduled to begin in January 2025.

HGVs in Farnham

The Board was also scheduled to receive an update on measures to prevent Heavy Goods Vehicles from entering Farnham town centre unnecessarily. In addition to existing signage, the report pack prepared for the meeting noted that an agreement with Hampshire County Council to install additional signage on their land had been agreed, and that the signs were scheduled to be installed in Spring 2025. The report also noted that an Automatic Number Plate Recognition camera was being used to gather data on the number of HGVs entering the town centre.

Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

The Board was scheduled to receive an update on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. The final draft of the plan, including proposed updates from Waverly Borough Council and Surrey County Council was scheduled to be agreed. Work was then scheduled to begin in January 2025 on the design and development of the first phase of schemes to be taken forward under the plan.

  1. This progress report was provided as an annex to the Agenda for the meeting