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Licensing Sub Committee - Tuesday, 21st January, 2025 6.30 p.m.

January 21, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub Committee decided to grant a new premises licence for Osteria Angelina at 1 Nicholl’s Clarke Yard1 in the Brick Lane Cumulative Impact Zone, and also granted a provisional statement for a premises at 5 Newfoundland Place. An application for a new premises licence for 324 Basement and 326 Ground Floor and Basement, Hackney Road was adjourned pending further investigation of noise nuisance, and the committee did not consider the application for Popular Pizza at 536 Commercial Road because the applicant failed to attend.

The Application for 324 Basement and 326 Ground Floor and Basement, Hackney Road

The committee considered an application for a new premises licence for 324 Basement and 326 Ground Floor and Basement, Hackney Road. The applicants wanted to extend the existing licensed cafe at 326 into the basement at 324, in order to operate a wine bar and creative community space, particularly intended to serve the needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

The application had attracted objections from the council's Environmental Protection Team, Samantha Harold and Jennifer Osterhoudt.

The applicant had agreed revised hours for the licensable activities with the Metropolitan Police Licensing Team in order to address concerns about crime and disorder. However, the environmental health officer, Mr O'Leary, asked the committee to refuse the application, saying

The history of complaint, coupled with insufficient mitigation measures, demonstrate a failure to meet the licensing [objective] of preventing public nuisance.

Noise nuisance was the central theme of the discussion. Ms. Harold, who lives above the basement at 324 Hackney Road, said that the noise had prevented her from watching TV and sleeping. Mr Elford, her legal representative, said that

Noise that has been experienced by my client has also been independently verified by your environmental health team who say ... the noise is capable of stopping my client from watching TV and capable of stopping my client from sleeping in their own home.

The applicant, represented by Mr Marr, did not accept that the noise was coming from their premises, suggesting that a barbershop in the same building was a more likely source of the noise complaints. Mr O'Leary said that, ideally, an abatement notice would have been served on the premises, but the noise team were still in discussion with the applicant.

The committee asked if the applicant would accept a condition on the licence that there should be no noise emanating from the premises so as to cause a public nuisance. Mr Marr said that they would accept any conditions that the committee saw fit to impose. However, Mr Elford said on behalf of Ms. Harold that this would not be sufficient to address their concerns, because of the interplay between the Live Music Act 2012 and the Deregulation Act 2015, which he explained by saying

if you grant an alcohol license regardless of what conditions you put on about noise this premises this part of this premises basement of 324 will be able to have entertainment from 8am in the morning to 11pm in the evening by virtue of the alcohol licence.

The committee adjourned to consider their decision. After the adjournment, they asked the applicant if they had commissioned a noise report. Mr Marr replied that they had not, but would welcome the opportunity to do so. The legal advisor to the committee, Mr Wong, suggested that the committee could adjourn the application to allow a noise report to be carried out.

The committee then adjourned to deliberate in private. They decided to adjourn the application, pending further investigation of noise nuisance, saying that

The subcommittee will deliberate in a private session after the meeting formally ends ... Ms. Yasmin from Democratic Services will send you a decision notice within five working days which will tell you what decision we have reached, how we’ve reached it and whether the decision was a unanimous vote ... or whether there was a majority vote.

  1. 1 Nicholl's Clarke Yard is part of a new development adjacent to The Stage, a new development that incorporates the remains of The Curtain Theatre, the site of some of the earliest performances of Shakespeare's plays.