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Audit and Governance Committee - Wednesday, 22 January 2025 10.00 am

January 29, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee noted Surrey County Council's treasury management strategy for 2025/26 and the 2023/24 statement of accounts. They also noted the contents of the Unit Four MySurrey stabilisation board report and the audit and governance committee effectiveness review for 2024.

Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2025/26

The committee received a report on the council's [treasury management strategy statement][Item 6 - TMSS 202526 - cover report] for 2025/26. The headline points are:

  • The council will continue to borrow money to finance its capital programme, with borrowing forecast to rise over the next five years.
  • The council will continue to invest its cash balances prudently, with a focus on security and liquidity over yield.

Councillor Convery asked for reassurance that local members were being consulted on changes to the capital programme. Owen, the Executive Director of Finance and Resources, said that this should be happening and agreed to map out the process for local member engagement. He agreed to report back to the committee on this at a future meeting.

Councillor Convery also asked how the council manages the risk associated with its reliance on external advisors Arlingclose for treasury management advice. Nicky, the Director of Finance, said that the council does not rely solely on Arlingclose and that officers in the finance team are also trained and experienced in treasury management.

Statement of Accounts 2023/24

The committee received the [statement of accounts][Item 7 - Statement of Accounts 202324 - cover report] for 2023/24. The statement of accounts was presented in draft form as the external auditors had not yet finalised their work. The auditors were not anticipating issuing an unqualified opinion and the committee were asked to delegate any residual matters to the Section 151 officer to enable the chair and the Section 151 officer to sign off the final accounts as soon as the remaining audit activity was complete.

Audit Reports and Annual Statement of Accounts for Subsidiaries of Surrey County Council

The committee received the [audit reports][Item 8 - 202324 Audit Reports and Annual Statement of Accounts for Subsidiaries of SCC - cover repo] for the following subsidiaries of Surrey County Council:

  • Hendeca Group Limited
  • Surrey Choices Limited
  • Halsey Garden Residential Limited
  • Halsey Garden Property Limited
  • Surrey and Kent Commercial Services LLP

All of the subsidiaries received unqualified audit opinions.

Unit 4 MySurrey Stabilisation Board Report

The committee received the latest [report][Item 9 - Unit 4MySurrey Stabilisation Board Report - cover report] from the Unit 4 MySurrey stabilisation board. The MySurrey project involved replacing Surrey County Council's ageing IT systems with a new system provided by Unit Four.

Since the go-live date of the MySurrey system, the council has experienced a number of difficulties, including problems with payroll, pensions, and finance systems. The stabilisation board was set up to address these issues and to stabilise the system. The report to the committee provided a summary of progress to date.

As of 17 December 2024 there were 41 outstanding tickets with Unit Four. 3 of these had been open for over a year. Liz, the Executive Director of Customers, Digital & IT confirmed that progress was being made, and that there was now only one remaining of the three long-standing tickets. Liz explained that the council was very much holding Unit Four to account for delivering fixes to the issues.

David Lewis, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, said that he thought that a huge amount of really good work had taken place in terms of stabilising the system, but that it was important to manage expectations going forward. He said that there was still a lot of work to be done and that this would cost money.

Audit and Governance Committee Effectiveness Review 2024

The committee considered a report on its effectiveness in 2024. The report set out the results of the committee's self-assessment against good practice and the committee's impact and effectiveness. The committee were content that it had been effective in 2024.
