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Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 28th January, 2025 6.30 p.m.
February 3, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee will receive updates on multiple topics, including an update on the insourcing of leisure services, a proposed new Scrutiny Executive Protocol to improve governance and accountability, and recommendations on flood risk management in the borough. It will also consider the agenda of the upcoming meeting of the Mayor in Cabinet and the Executive Forward Plan.
Leisure Insourcing
The committee will receive a six-month progress update on the leisure services insourcing project, from its start on 1 May 2024 to the end of October. The report notes increased female participation in leisure centres, attributing this to an increase in women-only sessions.
The reversal of majority males to majority female membership correlates with the roll out of women’s only free swimming. OS Leisure Insourcing - Jan 25 v1 1 p10 The report goes on to say that an independent review of the impact of free swimming for women, girls, and older people has been commissioned.
Flood Risk Management
Councillor Nathalie Bienfait will present a report on flood risk management.
As a Green Party Councillor, my vision is for our borough to firstly reduce our impact on the environment, but secondly be ready to face the risks from a changing climate. Flooding already affects our residents, and the risks will only increase as the climate crisis fuels more extreme weather. Report - Flood Risk Management - 28 Jan 25 p2 This follows two site visits - the first to Derbyshire Street to inspect sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)1 and the second to Fish Island following the flooding in January 2024.
The report recommends that the council publishes an up-to-date Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. This is a statutory requirement2 for the council, as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA). The report notes that the previous strategy expired in 2022, and that Tower Hamlets is currently non-compliant. Tower Hamlets Council is awaiting the finalisation of the London-wide strategy before publishing its new plan.
It also recommends increasing the number of engineers working on flood risk management, to help the council to meet its statutory duty as LLFA and to prepare for the likely introduction of Schedule 3 to the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.3
The report proposes that the council produces a detailed map of areas at risk of flooding and areas where sustainable drainage systems could be implemented. This could be used to direct investment in preventative measures, such as CCTV surveys and the installation of cycle-friendly
drain covers.
Councillor Bienfait also recommends establishing an internal flood risk group, consisting of representatives from across the council, to share information and coordinate responses.
Externally, Councillor Bienfait recommends a regular engagement sequence
with external partners, including Thames Water, the Canals and Rivers Trust and the Environment Agency.
Scrutiny Executive Protocol
The committee will consider a report proposing a new Scrutiny Executive Protocol, intended to support the council's improvement programme in response to the Best Value Inspection. This protocol will set out how the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and the Mayor in Cabinet can work together constructively.
This protocol applies to all Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, its Sub-Committees, and all Members of the Cabinet. Its purpose is to foster an open and transparent culture, promoting constructive behaviour and attitudes while supporting effective working relationships with stakeholders involved in the scrutiny process. Draft Scrutiny Executive Protocol_2425 p1
Scrutiny Lead Updates
The committee will hear updates from all of the scrutiny leads.
Councillor Abdi Mohamed, Scrutiny Lead for Community Safety, will discuss his introductory meeting with the new Director of Community Safety, Keith Stanger.
Councillor Bodrul Choudhury, Scrutiny Lead for Housing and Regeneration, will discuss his recent quarterly catch up with the Corporate Director of Housing and Regeneration. They discussed the Housing Scrutiny Challenge Session at the end of January and the Housing Social Regulator’s review of Housing Management.
Councillor Bellal Uddin, Scrutiny Lead for Adults and Health Services, will provide an update on the Adult Social Care budget.
Councillor Abdul Mannan, Scrutiny Lead for Children and Education, will discuss the ongoing review of the provision of Free School Meals in Tower Hamlets schools. As part of this, he has been visiting schools across the borough and engaging with students. The Sub-Committee is planning to make recommendations on this subject on February 20th.
Executive Forward Plan
The committee will consider the Executive Forward Plan, which contains details of decisions the Mayor in Cabinet is likely to take in the coming months. Amongst other items, this includes plans for the future of Tower Hamlets Connect, a free service that provides residents with advice about their health and wellbeing.
SuDS, or Sustainable Drainage Systems, are methods of managing surface water runoff that mimic natural drainage systems. They are designed to slow down the flow of water into sewers, reducing the risk of flooding and pollution. ↩
The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 designates local authorities as LLFAs and gives them a statutory duty to produce a strategy for managing flood risk in their area. ↩
Schedule 3 to the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 deals with sustainable drainage systems for surface water runoff. It is not yet in force. ↩
- Abdi Mohamed
- Abdul Mannan
- Ahmodul Kabir
- Ahmodur Khan
- Amin Rahman
- Amy Lee
- Asma Islam
- Bellal Uddin
- Bodrul Choudhury
- Halima Islam
- Jahid Ahmed
- James King
- Maisha Begum
- Marc Francis
- Mufeedah Bustin
- Nathalie Bienfait
- Saif Uddin Khaled
- Suluk Ahmed
- 1 Vacancy
- Afazul Hoque
- Daniel Kerr
- Filuck Miah
- Agenda frontsheet 28th-Jan-2025 18.30 Overview Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Declarations of Interest Note 2021 other
- OS Leisure Insourcing - Jan 25 v1 1 other
- Scrutiny Executive Protocol Cover Sheet DK Edits - 28 Jan 25 other
- Draft Scrutiny Executive Protocol_2425 other
- Report - Flood Risk Management - 28 Jan 25 other
- ScrutinyLeadUpdate - 28 Jan 25 other
- Printed plan Forthcoming Decisions Plan - 301224 Cabinet 1 other
- Public reports pack 28th-Jan-2025 18.30 Overview Scrutiny Committee reports pack